Delivering Faster Analytics at Pinterest

Partner Integration: Airbyte + StarRocks
Partner Integration: Apache Kafka + StarRocks
Partner Integration: Delta Lake + StarRocks
Partner Integration: Apache Hive + StarRocks
Partner Integration: Apache Hudi + StarRocks
Partner Integration: Apache Iceberg + StarRocks
StarRocks Community Update for August 2023
StarRocks' Queries Outperform ClickHouse, Apache Druid®, and Trino
Federated Querying across Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, Apache Hive, Delta Lake, Apache Paimon, JDBC based Database and others with StarRocks
StarRocks joined the May 2023 Hudi Community Call
StarRocks presented at the July 2023 Red Hat Meetup in San Diego
StarRocks vs. ClickHouse: The Quest for Analytical Database Performance
StarRocks Version 2.2 Released
StarRocks Announces the Release of Version 2.1
Apache Druid® vs. StarRocks: A Deep Dive
An article from DZone
StarRocks 2.0 Ushers in a New Era of Blazing-Fast Analytics
Improving User Profiling, Retention, and Selection with StarRocks
ClickHouse vs. StarRocks: A Detailed Comparison
An article from DZone
StarRocks: A Unified OLAP Database for Blazing-Fast Analytics