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StarRocks, a leading open-source analytical database, joined the Apache Hudi community call on May 12, 2023. The call, which was hosted by the Apache Hudi community, featured a presentation by Albert Wong, a developer advocate at StarRocks. In his presentation, Wong discussed how StarRocks can be used to query data on Apache Hudi.

Albert began by giving an overview of StarRocks. He explained that StarRocks is an open-source data lakehouse database that could be used to query data on Apache Hudi. He then showed a live demo of how StarRocks can be used to perform real-time, interactive queries on Apache Hudi data.

Albert's presentation was well-received by the Apache Hudi community. Many members of the community were interested in learning more about how StarRocks can be used to query data on Apache Hudi. After the presentation, Wong answered questions from the community.

StarRocks' participation in the Apache Hudi community call was a great way to raise awareness of StarRocks' capabilities. It also helped to build relationships with the Apache Hudi community. StarRocks is committed to working with the Apache Hudi community to make it easier for users to query data on Apache Hudi.
Here are some of the benefits of StarRocks querying data on Apache Hudi:

  • Real-time, interactive queries: StarRocks can be used to perform real-time, interactive queries on Apache Hudi data. This means that users can get insights from their data as soon as it is ingested.
  • High performance: StarRocks is a high-performance database. This means that it can handle large volumes of data with ease.
  • Ease of use: StarRocks is easy to use since it uses SQL. This means that users can get started with it quickly and easily.
If you are interested in learning more about how StarRocks can be used to query data on Apache Hudi, please visit a video of the community call on youtube:

Useful links:
πŸ‘‰ Download the Presentation here: 
πŸ‘‰ How to Query Data in Apache Hudi Tutorial link:
πŸ‘‰ See the video of the community call on youtube: